Thought of the Day

I don't believe in morality, but I believe in ethical conduct as set out by His Holiness the Dalai Lama: "Ethical conduct = a way of behaving that respects others’ right to be happy".

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Summer is Here

The sun has shone for two weeks in London, and when sun shines in London the city blossoms and  life becomes lighter. I cannot recall such a consistent weather for a long, long time. I am in full summer mode which is a dangerous affair as I am deemed to get soon disappointed. After all, summer is always a mirage in this part of the world. The day after tomorrow I am flying to my home country (Italy) after almost a year. I hope hope hope the weather (and the mood) is as joyful as here. I will come back 10 days later to fly out again a week later - this time to Sicily for a girly weekend. Wow. In this mood I have been browsing around for cheap & chic beachwear. Here a couple of chocolicious picks:

(c) Accessorize
(c) Fashion Conscience

Sunday 11 April 2010

Tattoo Me

Pain doesn't scare me - it's part of the ritual of getting a tattoo. I am not concerned with its eternity either as I think a tattoo will become part of you in the same way your ear or a scar becomes you. What it is crucial is that it must be perfectly executed. So, to find the right studio, with a relaxing and non-intimidating ambience, is paramount. The good news is that I think I found it! Good Times Tattoo is arguably the best studio in London with a waiting list of months, if not years, and proposes a new concept: it is like a tattoo SPA where you can relax in a fashionable environment inspired by kitsch Mexican décor  and injected with a good dose of irony. 

The subject and position is what has been nagging me for years. I would love to have one on my forearm or wrist, but I am not sure I am ready for such an exposed part of the body. My second and third tattoo (tattoos always go in odd numbers) have to be on my back. The other day I visualised a full coloured lotus flower on my lower back and three butterflies  of different sizes taking a flight from the lotus and flying over my side torso, up to my armpit. And I had nice feelings about it. I love butterflies and the lotus is a very symbolic flower in Buddhism, Hindu tradition and, of course, in yoga. 

Here a few inspirations of pretty butterflies and lotus... 

Source: Rhanuii tattoes

Monday 5 April 2010

Happy Easter Weekend!

Easter is a time for renewal, rebirth and rejuvenation. OmShanti & Love

Sivananda Docet :: the 12 [or 18] most essential ASANAS

 Side Crow. Photo (c) Yogaru

I have been doing tons of yoga lately. I have achieved my first aid certificate and I am full of energies and ideas. I am not resenting at all of the passage from Winter to Spring because I prepared myself (detox diet, spring clean workshop, etc.) and because Spring in the UK is never as dramatic as in my home country. There are still a few important things I need to sort out in my life, but, generally speaking, I feel very well in my body and mind and this is mainly thanks to the practice of hatha yoga, pranayama, meditation and kirtan. Because I have swapped my blog for Facebook (terrible, I know), I can't remember whether I posted about my yoga nidra experience while singing kirtan. It was the first time I went into a deep relaxation while being 100 per cent sure to be still alert simply because I kept chanting all the way through. It was revealing. 

Although I am increasingly getting more interested in the philosophy of yoga and all its spiritual aspects, I cannot deny that I am enjoying my daily physical practice a great deal. Hatha yoga (being it anusara, shadow, asthanga, vinyasa, restorative ~ all styles I keep alternating) is made of 8.400.000 asanas (!), according to the scriptures, but Sivananda points out that 12 basic postures -- preceeded by Surya Namaskar (sun salutation) and followed by shavasana (little death = relaxation) -- "bring out the essence and all major benefits of this wonderful system".

These 12 Basic Postures are:

1. Headstand (Sirshasana)
2. Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana)
3. Plough (Halasana)
4. Fish (Matsyasana)
5. Forward bend (Paschimothanasana)
6. Cobra (Bhujangasana)
7. Locust (Shalabhasana)
8. Bow (Dhanurasana)
9. Spinal twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana)
10. Crow pose (Kakasana) or Peacock pose (Mayurasana)
11. Standing forward bend (Pada Hasthasana)
12. Triangle (Trikonasana)

Sitting postures for meditation and Pranayama include the lotus pose.

One of my teachers says that the most important asanas are 18. I guess she includes four withing the surya namaskar cycle. I guess they could be Chaturanga Dandasana, Uttanasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana and Urdhva Mukha Svanasana... but I may be wrong...

Saturday 3 April 2010

She & Him

I have a crush on Zooey Deschanel! 

I first saw her in 500 Days of Summer, and I worshipped its quirkiness and her lovileness. 

Then I found one of her tracks and realised she is also the singer of the duo She & Him. I downloaded her first album and I like each and every songs - fine indie rock. She is coming to KOKO in May, but I will be in Italy. Too bad.

Her new album, Volume 2, is out now. And their video is a proper feel-good treat!

Friday 2 April 2010

Tea Party

Yesterday morning  a package arrived. Inside a cupcake with a spoon by Swarovski Crystals. It's inspired by a scene from Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland, a film I loved for him and her and the quotes which I keep repeating or posting on Facebook. And it's lilac - bang on trend for this Spring.

The sender was my companion of adventures and misadventures.

I love his accent and his naturalness in performing the mad hatter!

Thursday 1 April 2010

A Fashionable Yoga Bag

During my quest for the perfect yoga bag (it has to be light; roomy enough to fit my mat,  gear and accessories; and stylish, bien sûr), I came across this multi-functional bag, which doesn't tick all my boxes, BUT it is a beautiful mosaic sling which can be used as a yoga bag, head wrap, belt or scarf. I like the idea of wrapping it around my body and tighten it up in a chunky ribbon.

 The Obi Yoga Bag available @T:KUU